Irish History Podcast From the Norman Invasion to the War of Independence, the Great Famine to the Troubles, the Irish His... History
Betwixt The Sheets: The History of Sex, Scandal & Society Join sex historian Kate Lister on Betwixt the Sheets as she gets intimate with the stories that woul... History
ABC Rewind The History Listen is now ABC Rewind, the home of gripping narrative history series. Dive into true... Society & Culture History Documentary
Rear Vision — How History Shaped Today Move beyond the headlines to see how the past defines our world. History News Politics
Kinky History Kinky History is a podcast series that explores the evolution of human sexuality - from scandalous s... Comedy History
Witness History Eye-witness accounts brought to life by archive. Witness History is for those fascinated by the past... History
The Royal Beat Podcast The Royal Beat: Your Weekly Dose of Exclusive Royal InsightsImmerse yourself in the world of royalty... History News News Commentary
Trace Evidence Trace Evidence is a weekly true crime podcast that focuses on unsolved cases, from chilling murders... History True Crime
Female Criminals From callous killers to evil entrepreneurs, explore the psychology, motivations, and atrocities of f... History True Crime
Secret Societies They’ve been around for thousands of years…orchestrating some of history’s most controversial events... History True Crime
The History of Byzantium A podcast telling the story of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire from 476 AD to 1453. www.thehistoryofbyz... History
The China History Podcast Since 2010, The China History Podcast, presented by Laszlo Montgomery brings you over 350 episodes o... Society & Culture History Places & Travel
History of the Crusades Over 900 years ago, thousands of Christians invaded the Middle East, intent on taking the Hol... History
Haunted Places You’ve heard of haunted houses, haunted cemeteries, haunted islands...but do you know how a normal p... History True Crime
The Thongslappers Two Gen-X blokes discussing their shared passion for cars and the trappings of their youth. Analysed... Leisure History Automotive
Warfare From Napoleonic battles to Cold War confrontations, the Normandy landings to 9/11, this podcast open... History
Stuff The British Stole Throughout its reign, the British Empire stole a lot of stuff. Today the Empire's loot sits in museu... History
Forgotten Australia Created by Michael Adams, author of The Murder Squad and Hanging Ned Kelly, Forgotten Australia delv... Society & Culture History
Russian Rulers History Podcast First we follow the Russian rulers from Rurik to Putin. From there, we will cover all aspects of Rus... History Arts
Queer as Fact Queer history podcast covering content from around the world and throughout time. Society & Culture History
French Revolution & Napoleon (Grey History) History isn't black and white, yet too often it's presented as such. Explore the ambiguities and nua... Society & Culture History Documentary
True Blue Conversations Podcast Inspired by the people and events that have shaped Australian history and character, with his authen... History
Who Did What Now Whoever said history was boring obviously wasn’t paying attention. Each week, join Katie Charlwood,... History
Dead Man Talking Dead Man Talking, led Alex on an investigation into the crimes and confessions of The Railroad Kille... Society & Culture History
True Hauntings Acclaimed ghost hunters Anne and Renata delve into high profile paranormal cases to investigate the... History True Crime
Cheeky Tales Looking for something to keep your mind off the tedium of everyday life? Need a story to share over... Comedy History
Whistlestop: Presidential History and Trivia John Dickerson of Slate’s Political Gabfest revisits a moment from the American carnival of politics... History News
Shooting The Past Shooting The Past brings you Australian history through a new lens. Each episo... Society & Culture History
The Civil War & Reconstruction A history podcast in which Rich & Tracy weave together a chronological narrative of the Civil War er... History
12 Byzantine Rulers: The History of The Byzantine Empire This lecture series by Lars Brownworth covers the history of the Byzantine Empire through the study... Society & Culture History
Australian Aboriginal History In this subject students study two key regions of Australia's colonial past – the cradle of white se... Education History
Survival When the stakes are life and death, you'd be surprised at the lengths you’d go to survive. Pain, hun... History Society & Culture
Shrine of Remembrance Talks and lectures are held at the Shrine of Remembrance and selected offsite venues. Speakers inclu... Education History
Frozen In Time: Cold Cases When a crime runs out of leads, the trail turns cold. Frozen In Time covers these cases hoping someo... Technology History
Listverse Listverse is a place for explorers. Together we seek out the most fascinating and rare gems of human... History True Crime
Journey through Orthodox Theology Talks and sermons on Orthodox theology Religion & Spirituality History
Womb Raiders: A True Crime Podcast A true crime podcast exploring fetal abductions in America. History True Crime
Talk Talk: Indigenous Languages and Storytelling An AFTRS Indigenous Podcast We live in a country that holds the oldest living culture with an unbro... Society & Culture History