Transforming sex into love
'Sex is really love, only it has a selfish drive in it. Eventually that drive becomes the drive to master yourself and to transform your sexual drive into love.’
Barry Long’s tantric teaching reveals the next step in our evolution. Transforming Sex into Love shows you how this revolutionary change can make your most intimate relationship an ever deepening expression of love. Questions from the audience offer practical situations to demonstrate the idea. Profoundly relevant, this down-to-earth talk outlines the steps that ultimately lead to the mystical union of man and woman.
All content © The Barry Long Trust
The Barry Long Podcast
These podcasts have been selected from the vast body of recordings of Barry Long’s talks and seminars between 1984 and 2002.
Barry Long (1926-2003) was an Australian spiritual teacher and author, who lived and taught in England for twenty years and took his teachings to many other countries. He became known for his plain-spoken and practical approach to contemporary spirituality, teaching direct experience of truth and love and dealing with all aspects of our lives. He said ‘I am the first master to present a comprehensive way of life that embodies honesty and the love of man and woman without intellectualising the love of God.’ For more about him and his teachings see: www.barrylong.org
- No. of episodes: 19
- Latest episode: 2024-08-09
- Education Religion & Spirituality Spirituality