Muddy Boots

Muddy Boots

Keith and Elisabeth

Landscape Designer, Keith Edwards, and 'Garden Girl', Elisabeth Kingman, join forces to bring an engaging, informative, and entertaining take on all things gardens. From growing perfect produce to garden design, Keith and Elisabeth will cover it. Come along and get your hands and boots muddy. For more information follow us on Instagram @muddybootspodcast

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Muddy Boots?

There are 183 episodes avaiable of Muddy Boots.

What is Muddy Boots about?

We have categorized Muddy Boots as:

  • Leisure
  • Education
  • Home & Garden
  • How To

Where can you listen to Muddy Boots?

Muddy Boots is available, among others places, on:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Muddy Boots start?

The first episode of Muddy Boots that we have available was released 2 June 2021.

Who creates the podcast Muddy Boots?

Muddy Boots is produced and created by Keith and Elisabeth.