Mondays with Milly

Mondays with Milly

Phill Cristofaro

Mondays with Milly is a podcast about the past as told by someone who was there.
Through a series of interviews, "Milly" - AKA Doreen from Manchester - talks about her life from the Great Depression era and World War 2 to the present day. Now in her nineties, Milly is a natural story-teller with a razor-sharp memory. Her recount of a life spanning some of history's defining moments provides a unique insight into how people lived, coped, survived and endured times of great adversity.
Recorded during the Covid19 era, these online interviews have relevance during uncertain times.

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Mondays with Milly?

What is Mondays with Milly about?

Where can you listen to Mondays with Milly?

When did Mondays with Milly start?

Who creates the podcast Mondays with Milly?